Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just another day...

Hi again. I dunno if anyone actually reads my blog or not, but...I'm still gonna keep it going. I just started it, after all. So, yesterday was Friday the 13th...nothing bad happened, really. I had a stomach ache, but other than that, it was just a regular day. I'm not a big believer of the whole superstition thing...I don't really have much to say today. I should be making this post later on, instead of at around noon. And especially because of the fact that I just woke up not too long ago...hehe, yes I slept really long. But I went to bed past midnight, so..and besides, I like to sleep :) My mother is making some sort of risotto dish, and I had to help her. I grated some parmesan cheese, and it's not the most fun job on earth. She never gets grated parmesan. Instead, she always buys the big block. I swear, you could really hurt someone with that big block thing. I feel bad for people whose job is ....grating parmesan. I mean, surely they have some sort of machine to do it, but....think about 50, or more years ago. Not fun. Now to change the subject a bit...track starts in a week, and I'm trying to get myself to go out for a run right now. But it's cold, and there's snow. Guess I just have to man up...well, that's all for now. Comments and support are gladly accepted :) Have a beastly day.

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