Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just another day...

Hi again. I dunno if anyone actually reads my blog or not, but...I'm still gonna keep it going. I just started it, after all. So, yesterday was Friday the 13th...nothing bad happened, really. I had a stomach ache, but other than that, it was just a regular day. I'm not a big believer of the whole superstition thing...I don't really have much to say today. I should be making this post later on, instead of at around noon. And especially because of the fact that I just woke up not too long ago...hehe, yes I slept really long. But I went to bed past midnight, so..and besides, I like to sleep :) My mother is making some sort of risotto dish, and I had to help her. I grated some parmesan cheese, and it's not the most fun job on earth. She never gets grated parmesan. Instead, she always buys the big block. I swear, you could really hurt someone with that big block thing. I feel bad for people whose job is ....grating parmesan. I mean, surely they have some sort of machine to do it, but....think about 50, or more years ago. Not fun. Now to change the subject a bit...track starts in a week, and I'm trying to get myself to go out for a run right now. But it's cold, and there's snow. Guess I just have to man up...well, that's all for now. Comments and support are gladly accepted :) Have a beastly day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello, errbody :)

Hey there. If you're reading this...thanks for stopping by. So I finally did it. I started a blog. Now, I can't guarantee that this will be a success, or that anyone will enjoy reading this, but hey, why not give it a spin? It's been one of my New Years resolutions, actually...I just hope that I will get to post, at least once a week, because, well...I'd like to have this blog going. Instead of it being something that I start, and then it just kinda dies...I do that sometimes. I have these great ideas...a lot of them at once, I start them, and then...abandon them. Plus, life's busy. Yeah, I know what you're thinking about the past statement. "Oh my God, really?? Thanks for letting me know, master of the freakin' obvious!". Anyways..if you haven't noticed yet, I kind of go on and rant sometimes. I like writing, but I'm not the most skilled writer...So let me tell you a wee bit about myself. My name is the blog says it is. And I'm currently a senior(Class of 2012!) in high school. I live in a suburb of Chicago...Windy City!. To all you non-Chicagoans, Chicago is not called the Windy City because of wind...just a side note. I love to run. Whoa, did I just write that? ...Wow. Let me tell you a little bit of my history with running...when I was the kid, I HATED it. With a burning passion. Whenever I'd play with my friends, tag was not my game of choice. I was never the fastest kid, or the one with the most endurance. Freshman year of high school, I ran my first mile. I didn't even know how many laps around a track a mile is...yes, that is very sad, I know. As I ran that mile, I a different world. And not in a good way. I just wanted it to be over. Sadly, I didn't know how many laps to run, exactly, so it a terrible experience. My time? Hehe...sad story. It was under 10 minutes, I'll just say that. I wasn't THAT slow. Ok, fine. 9:40. Yeah. Pathetic. But...not too terrible for a kid that never ran a mile in her life and the only sport she played was 8th grade basketball in elementary school, which was kind of a joke in itself. We were all terribly out of shape and won only one game throughout our whole season. After that, came cross country. All you high school cross country runners and know what high school XC is like. Anyways. I started it sophomore year, and then did it junior year as well. And then I did track junior year. I'm retarded when it comes to field events, so I just stuck to running. This year, I didn't do XC. Just decided to stick to track instead...which starts in about a week! I'm actually excited...excited to run, to be out of breath, to wheeze during hard workouts...I dunno why. It's really one of the great mysteries of the world, why some people love running. And so through all that practice and after all of those miles(or kilometers, if you prefer...) that I ran...I learned to love running. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't love being sweaty, disgusting and tired, out of breath, but I love the feeling when you push past that crisis, whatever you're training for, whether it be the 100m or the marathon, and you get that euphoric feeling. Like nothing in the world, all your problems, don't matter. It's just you and the road ahead of you. Now, I won't get too deep into this loving running thing for now...I was supposed to tell you about me. Don't worry, I'll try to finish this soon. I'm starting to write an essay here...more about me. Well, I basically live TRACK, and running. I also love horsebackriding, and animals, big and small. I want to be a veterinarian. Always wanted to. What else? I love sports...most of them, at least. Even though I'm not that great at some of them...that's why there's running :) I'm pretty decent at that. I'm not a huge fan of American Football. Golf? No thanks. I do like soccer, though. And I have a story for that. But that's for some other time. I like baseball...GO CUBBIES! Even though they don't win much...we still love 'em here in Chicago! Except those White Sox Fans...I'm not really into the whole...glamour thing. I wanted to be a model once...didn't work out. Too short. Too fat. I like food. Can't help it. Now I do like fashion and clothes, but I'm not obsessed with it and don't get a new wardrobe every season. I wear non "trendy" things. I wear what I like. Not always what's in fashion. To be honest, I prefer to just wear a t-shirt, shorts, and some Nikes(preferably running case I have to run :D). I'm not really a morning person, although in the summer, it's nice to sometimes wake up early and go out for a run or walk or something. I love sleeping. I think we all do. I love food. Very much. Don't really have a favorite food...does anyone? I do love Chipotle, though. And chinese food. And apple pie. Favorite color? It's a tie between green and blue. I love summer. I HATE the winter...and unfortunately, Chicago has really bad winters. I hate snow. Forget making snowmen. Nope. I'd rather have it be scorching hot than freezing cold. What else? I can't really think of anything off the top of my head right now. I'm not that interesting of a person...I like to joke around a lot and do stupid things sometimes...not like, bad stupid (ex: I'm gonna get dead wasted) but funny stupid, like messing around with people. Ok, this is where I end. My posts will very likely get much shorter, so fear not (unless you like to read). Goodnight, readers. I've gotta get ready for my first run in the snow...we just got snow here in, thanks for stopping by, leave a comment if you'd like...hopefully it won't be a negative one...and stay fresh :)