Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's been a while, peeps...

WOW. Yeah, really loooong time, no post. Trying to get this thing going again. What has happened since January? A lot, but then again, not really. Graduated high school...yay! I had to end track early because of a really bad hamstring injury, though :( But I'm starting to get back on track! Speaking of getting back on track...I walked 14+ miles around the city of Chicago today. Sore as hell. Tomorrow should be fun...not. So yeah. My legs have never been more sore. Anyways...as for this blog. I promise I will try and post more often, and more interesting things, like how my athletic stuff is going, some recipes, fashion stuff, etc. If you do not yet follow this blog....follow it :D Hehe. I also have a Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter( don't really go much on that, though). Yes, I'm one of those people. The one that has every social "network", or whatever you wish to call it, possible. No, I do not have a Myspace. Who does? I'll keep writing more, but I have no creative juices as of right now, it's past Midnight here. Good night, folks :)